Abu Dhabi Media Network

News Programs Rebranding & VIZrt templates

Strategic Overview of ID8 Media's Visual Mastery in "Abu Dhabi's Channel Identity"

Abu Dhabi

Project Excerpt:

In a visionary quest to set a new standard in broadcast media In a visionary quest to set a new standard in broadcast media, Abu Dhabi Media Network embarked on an extensive rebranding campaign, harnessing the power of advanced VIZrt templates to elevate its news programs. This initiative, led by the collaborative expertise of ID8 Media and Reson8 Media, marks a significant leap towards reimagining how news is presented. The project underscores a harmonious blend of creative ingenuity and technical prowess, setting new benchmarks for the industry. Through their focused efforts, ID8 Media brought to life a refreshed visual identity, while Reson8 Media's mastery over VIZrt templates introduced dynamic, smart, and engaging content delivery methods.


Abu Dhabi Media TV



Scope of work:

creative logo




to the Case Study

At the forefront of redefining the visual and operational landscape of its news programs, Abu Dhabi Media Network's initiative sought not only to enhance the viewer experience but also to pioneer efficiencies in content production processes. ID8 Media's creative vision and Reson8 Media's technical acumen were instrumental in driving this transformative journey. Their partnership catalyzed the evolution of broadcast media, achieving an unparalleled milestone that harmonized aesthetic appeal with functional innovation.

Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi

The project spanned across various facets, including the creation of GFX packages for diverse news segments, the development of smart/dynamic video wall templates, and the seamless integration of these elements into ADM's broadcasting ecosystem, ensuring a smooth transition to a more engaging and efficient production workflow.

Abu Dhabi


Abu Dhabi Media (ADM) is recognized as a premier multimedia organization in the United Arab Emirates, showcasing a rich diversity across broadcast, digital, and publishing platforms. This case study illuminates ADM's forward-thinking initiative to rebrand its news programs, embodying its dedication to producing content of unparalleled quality that captivates audiences worldwide. This rebranding initiative underscores ADM's strategic commitment to innovation and excellence, aiming to elevate the global media landscape while ensuring the delivery of engaging, high-quality content across its extensive media footprint.

defining the Challenge

Defining the Challenge

The ambitious endeavor to modernize the Abu Dhabi Media Network's (ADM) news programs presented a multi-faceted challenge. At the heart of this initiative was the goal to refresh the visual and functional aspects of ADM's broadcasts to align with the evolving expectations of a global audience, all while enhancing production efficiencies through the use of sophisticated VIZrt templates.

Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi



Creating a visual identity and GFX (Graphics) work for a television program like Alaraby TV's Polygraph can come with various challenges. Here's a list of some of the  hurdles that the ID8 Media team faced:

Visual and Technical


ADM's pre-existing templates for news programs had become antiquated, lacking the adaptability required for seamless integration of dynamic content. This visual and technical obsolescence necessitated a comprehensive overhaul to meet contemporary standards.




The reliance on labor-intensive processes constituted a significant bottleneck in the production workflow. This inefficiency impeded the ability to deliver timely and captivating news content, thus demanding a strategic shift towards more automated solutions.


Creative Adaptation and

Brand Consistency:

ID8 Media faced the challenge of developing new branding packages that aligned with ADM's existing brand guidelines and color palettes, ensuring a seamless transition that respected the organization's legacy while pushing forward a modern visual narrative


Technical Complexity

and Integration:

Reson8 Media undertook the complex task of encoding, web development, and VIZRT template building. The integration of smart templates required sophisticated coding, allowing for dynamic editing and customization by ADM's VIZRT designers, producers, and directors. This process involved a meticulous approach to ensure compatibility and flexibility across different broadcasting scenarios.


Intensive Project Management

and Resource Allocation:

Both ID8 and Reson8 navigated extensive project management challenges, including the allocation of resources and management of digital production timelines. The project demanded exceptional coordination skills to ensure all creative and technical elements were completed to the highest standard within a very tight deadline.


Operational Deployment

and Training:

The deployment of VIZrt templates and ensuring ADM's ongoing operations were not disrupted required an on-ground team from Reson8 to work closely with ADM's in-house team. This hands-on approach was critical for a smooth transition, involving training and adaptation to new systems under significant time constraints.

Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi


The Need for ID8 Media &

Reson8 Media Expertise:

The partnership between ID8 Media and Reson8 Media for the Abu Dhabi Media Network (ADM) project showcases a formidable blend of creative and technical expertise tailored to overcome substantial project management and artistic challenges. From the outset, ID8 Media was tasked with the creative overhaul of ADM's news programming, a responsibility that demanded not only aesthetic innovation but also a strategic reimagining of how news content could be engagingly presented to a global audience. This entailed crafting new branding packages that respected ADM's heritage while propelling its visual identity into the future, a task that required deep understanding of brand consistency and viewer engagement.

Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi

On the operational and technical front, Reson8 Media's role was pivotal in transcending traditional broadcast limitations through the development and implementation of VIZrt templates. These templates represented a leap towards dynamic content delivery, enabling real-time editing and customization that could keep pace with the news cycle's demands. The technical proficiency in encoding, web development, and template building underscored Reson8's commitment to operational excellence and innovation.

Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi

However, the journey was fraught with challenges, notably the tight deadline that tested the teams' project management acumen and their ability to deliver quality under pressure. The necessity for a seamless operational transition, including training ADM's staff to adapt to the new technology and workflow, added another layer of complexity to the project. This period of intense collaboration and effort culminated in a successful rebranding that not only elevated ADM's broadcast quality but also demonstrated ID8 and Reson8's capability to navigate and surmount the multifaceted demands of modern media production.


Strategic Overview

Addressing ADM Challenges.

In addressing the challenges faced by Abu Dhabi Media (ADM), a strategic and analytical approach was paramount to achieving the project's ambitious goals. The strategy entailed a holistic revamp of ADM's visual identity, leveraging state-of-the-art VIZrt templates to facilitate dynamic content integration. This approach was aimed not only at modernizing the visual presentation of news programs but also at optimizing production workflows. By streamlining operations, the project significantly improved operational efficiency, enabling the creation and delivery of engaging content that resonates with contemporary audiences.

Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi

This strategic overhaul was instrumental in enhancing content engagement, demonstrating a keen understanding of the importance of operational efficiency and the impact of visual identity on viewer experience,

Which included:

Utilizing VIZrt templates for dynamic content integration, significantly enhancing the visual appeal and viewer engagement.

Enhancing operational efficiency through streamlined production workflows, reducing time-to-market for news content.

Achieving a seamless blend of technology and creativity to set new standards in broadcast media excellence.

work executed

Art Direction &

Work Executed:

In the realm of art direction and technical execution for ADM's rebranding,

ID8 Media and Reson8 Media showcased profound capabilities through meticulous planning and innovative solutions. The endeavor was not just about aesthetic enhancement but a comprehensive reimagining of the broadcast experience.

Development of New

Visual Identity:

The creative team embarked on creating a visual identity that mirrors ADM's ethos of modernity and innovation. This involved a deep dive into color psychology, typography, and visual storytelling, ensuring that every design element aligns with ADM's mission and audience expectations.


Customization of

VIZrt Templates:

The technical capabilities of the team were highlighted in their customization of VIZrt templates. This wasn't merely about aesthetic customization but integrating flexibility for dynamic content presentation. They enabled real-time updates and augmented reality features, pushing the boundaries of traditional news broadcasting.


Production Workflow


Operational excellence was achieved through the introduction of automated processes.The shift towards automation was strategic, significantly reducing manual labor and thereby enhancing the efficiency and pace of content production. This approach allowed for a more agile response to the fast-evolving news landscape, ensuring ADM's content remains relevant and engaging.



Deliverables Included:

The collaboration between art direction and technical execution within this project underscored the necessity of integrating creative vision with technical innovation.

The result was a seamlessly executed rebranding that elevated ADM's positioning in the competitive media landscape, showcasing a future-forward approach to news broadcasting.

GFX Packages for

Various News Shows:

Including openers, stings, wipes, and video wall background loops for news bulletins, sports, economic bulletins, and more, each meticulously designed to align with the unique essence of the respective segments.


VIZrt Smart/Dynamic Video

Wall Templates:

Crafted to cover a wide range of content from general news to sports, these templates offer producers and users enhanced flexibility and creativity in content delivery.


Video Wall

Background Loops:

Custom loops for different shows and programs, enhancing the visual backdrop of live studio recordings.


Result and empact

Results and impact:

The rebranding initiative and adoption of VIZrt templates significantly enhanced the visual appeal and operational efficiency of ADM's news programs. This transformation led to improved viewer engagement, streamlined production, and elevated content quality. The initiative was not only recognized but also celebrated across various press and media outlets, garnering praise for its innovative approach and impact.

The collaboration between Abu Dhabi Media Network, ID8 Media, and Reson8 Media in this endeavor has established a new standard in the broadcast media industry. By integrating advanced design and technology, the project not only enhanced the viewing experience but also highlighted the critical importance of innovation in staying competitive within the ever-evolving media landscape. This milestone has been acknowledged widely, affirming the project's success in setting a precedent for future media projects.


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